Humans, Animals, Plants, the planets and stars, shapes, maths, elements.. – Nature is fashioned by G-d.
Strip away all the manmade additions to this world (in which g-dliness can be found too) and observe this curtain behind which the creator is hiding, concealing Himself so that it becomes our task to find Him, always reminding ourselves of His residence above which never ceases to influence and create physical reality at every second. I want to understand the workings of our world, sciences.. because it will help me understand the One who made it – just as we gain understanding of an artists mind when we analyze his works.
This is the search for the essence of truth and a yearning for unity with our eternal source.
Notice how nature is a masterpiece; how everything perfectly works in harmony and balance, creating a miraculous vessel for physical life, a system of predictable laws and cycles, comprehensible, yet we are far from being able to recreate it by the capabilities of the limited human mind.
How will I be able to look deeper and recognize how this visible and tangible veil mirrors the untouchable spiritual? How it is not just mere practical means for biological existence? How to reach and transcend to the nonmaterial while being confined to the physical?
I sit and analyze the miracle of creation. I lie outside on my back and look at the sky. I ask myself: why did Hashem decide to create clouds? This question is not related to science – because it is merely the tool Hashem uses. He could choose any way to sustain us with water and yet, he choose white or grey massive, fluffy-looking, changing and moving shapes above our heads to fulfill this mission. They sometimes are thick and opaque, other times thin and translucent, changing colors, painting beautiful, mysterious pictures, telling stories that can disappear again and become distorted within minutes. Everything down below is a mirror of the world above and it is exactly that which I am trying to understand: what can the contemplation on nature teach me about the upper realm?
Choose any day of cloudy skies and just observe. Do not think or rationalize. Simply soak in the shapes and colors, the way of the movements, contemplate on the mystery of the sky and how infinitely profound our lack of understanding for reality is, how infinitely profound our awe and love for the enigmatic beauty of creation can be.
I let go of the constrictions and borders my finite thinking confines me to for I am a seeker of transcendental divinity ……